Your Mum Is Fat Jokes

Mother-of-four dies after using fat burner pills and anti-cellulite cream she bought over the web because she was ‘paranoid’ at turning 50. Linda Baranowski, 50, used T5 fat burning pills and Yili Balo anti-cellulite cream

Do you have a Christmas Riddle or s Joke? Share your laugh-out-loud Christmas jokes and riddles! It’s family fun when your s get to laugh with you and the world!

Your mom’s so stupid, when she was asked to Describe Your Mom Here, she said she didn’t know your mom. In a war of Volleying Insults, insulting the opponent … – Jokes and More. Yo mama so fat she left the house in high heels and when she came back she had on flip flops.

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A maternal insult (also referred to as a “yo mama” joke) is a reference to a person’s mother through the use of phrases such as “your mother” or other regional variants, frequently used to insult the target by way of their mother.

Jokes about Blow Jobs. Q: What’s the difference between a penis and a bonus? A: Your wife will always blow your bonus!

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We’ve got lots of funny jokes from clean funny jokes to dirty funny jokes!

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30 -tested (and -approved!) jokes. Prepare for giggling and knee slapping!

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THE JEWISH JOKES OF BACK TO INDEX PAGE. Go to sixth set. This is the fifth set of jokes (#144) The Headache. Sadie goes to see her rabbi and complains about her bad headaches.

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I talked to our boss about it, and she advised me to sit him down and tell him what I expect of him and I have. His response to “I need you to know when to stop with the jokes and listen to me” or “I need you to ___, can you make sure that gets done” is “I need your …

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