Sexual Reproductive Organs

Why do teens get periods? What goes on when a woman gets pregnant? What can go wrong with the female reproductive system? Find the answers to these questions and more in this article for teens.

Male Reproductive System – Learn all about male reproductive organs and surrounding body parts using interactive human anatomy pictures and definitions.

The female reproductive system is designed to carry out several functions. It produces the female egg cells necessary for reproduction, called the ova or oocytes. The system is designed to transport the ova to the site of fertilization. Conception, the fertilization of an egg by a sperm, normally

Humans are sexual, meaning that both a male and a female are needed to reproduce. Each is equipped with specific organs capable of producing specific cells needed to procreate. In conjunction with a woman’s reproductive organs, sexual intercourse can lead to the reproduction of human life. While

The mission of the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) is to help people to lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives.

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Reproductive and sexual anatomy includes your genitals and reproductive organs. Everyone’s reproductive and sexual anatomy looks a little different.

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Plant reproductive system: Plant reproductive system, any of the systems, sexual or asexual, by which plants reproduce. In plants, as in s, the end result of reproduction is the continuation of a given species, and the ability to reproduce is, therefore, rather conservative, or given to only moderate change, during

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A sex organ (or reproductive organ) is any part of an ‘s body that is involved in sexual reproduction.The reproductive organs together constitute the reproductive …

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The reproductive system or genital system is a system of sex organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of sexual reproduction.Many non-living substances such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also important accessories to the reproductive system.

Diagrams (front and side views) of the female reproductive organs and how they work.

Categories: Barbara Sex Pics