Congenital Anal Atresia

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Introduction: Congenital scoliosis is the failure of normal vertebral development during 4th to 6th week of gestation caused by developmental defect in the formation of the mesenchymal anlage

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Duodenal atresia results from a congenital malformation of the duodenum and requires prompt correction in the neonatal period. It is considered to be one of the commonest causes of a fetal bowel obstruction.

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Esophageal atresia is a congenital medical condition (birth defect) that affects the alimentary tract.It causes the esophagus to end in a blind-ended pouch rather than connecting normally to the stomach.

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Congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract are a significant cause of morbidity in ren and, less frequently, in adults. These abnormalities include developmental obstructive defects of the small intestine, anomalies of the colon, anomalies of rotation and fixation, anorectal anomalies, and intestinal duplications.

A Handbook to seek information on Pediatric Surgery related topics. Created in March 2000 to help medical students and surgery residents learn basic principles of Pediatric Surgery.Permission is granted to copy the manual giving credit to …

Atresia is a condition in which an orifice or passage in the body is (usually abnormally) closed or absent.. Examples of atresia include: Biliary atresia, a condition in newborns in which the common bile duct between the liver and the small intestine is …

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Atresia and stenosis: Atresia and stenosis,, absence, usually congenital, of a normal bodily passage or cavity (atresia) or narrowing of a normal passage (stenosis).

Pages with both “duodenal” and “atresia” in the title are: duodenal atresia: Pages with “duodenal” in the title are:

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ICD-10 Version:2016 Chapters. Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Neoplasms Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism

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